Spent four years at Truckee, Tahoe. The most beatiful area of California.
Truckee is at 5,500 feet elevation, the lake was a little higher and we ice skated at the
top of Squaw Valley at 8,200 feet.
I went on about half of the hiking trails in the area, each one was different in terrain,
such a rich biosphere.
This volume is a quick taste of Tahoe...
Tahoe rivers fed by snow melt were always full.
One of my favorite lakes at the North end of Tahoe.
Tahoe in all her grandeur, the waters vivid varied blues.
Looking down into Tahoe basin.
One of my favorite types of shots, directly into the sun to create
a shadow effect.
This was my `thinking' spot, any troubles I'd walk over to it
and listen to the water for hours.
Basically crossed the street and a hundred feet into
the woods and it was like leaving civilization behind.
"Why, sur' nuff, you can use ar' toilet, it's out back yonder!"
Rock slide on South West face.
On the road from Sacromento.
This is just a brief taste of Tahoe, if it hadn't been for a personal matter I would still
be there and loving it. |