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Do Right
Freedom of Religion
Personal Responsibility
Rights of Others
The Law

     The Universal Life Church has only two basic tenets (beliefs/doctrines) - to promote freedom of religion and to do that which is right.
     It is the responsibility of the individual to determine what is right as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others and is within the law.

Individual tenets (click on for full essays): Summaries:
to promote freedom of religion      This is a factor I have never been able to fully understand. The intolerance of otherwise religious people.  More...
to do that which is right      The part of this that I think most people miss is the word "do", as in active vs. passive.  More...
It is the responsibility of the individual to determine what is right      God will judge us individually not as part of a group, we know right and wrong. We have to take personal responsibility for our own actions, beliefs and followings.  More...
as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others      This is not negotiable, consenting adults is the ground work for this maxim. If it harms on any level (emotional, physical, financial, etc.) another being against their will, it is wrong.  More...
and is within the law      This one I quibble with. Laws are written for the body politic, and the protection of the group. Sadly to say, we fail every time we write a law. If we were truly religious as a group, if everyone in the world followed the right path, we would have no need for laws. More...