My daughter Sheri came up for a first time visit and her choice was to
see the Museum of Flight and the Underground Seattle. I had never been
to the Museum so it made for a good choice. Fascinating place three
buildings with an outside airstrip as well. |
Sheri French braiding a neighbor's hair, Payson a friend
of Haley's. |
One building was all WW1 and WW2 planes. |
Although they had replicas of other items. |
The models were meticulously done. |
Even the action paintings were perfect. |
The middle building was actually Boeing's original
workshop. |
And the main building... |
...was like a big kids room with planes hanging from the
ceiling. |
Transporting planes without wings. |
Main entrance. |
And some space stuff too. |
This was just INSIDE a wheel housing. |
Walking under a Black Bird was awsome. |
Had some high speed boats exhibited. |
Early attempts. |
Outside a 747, closed for refurbishing. |
The Concorde may have been fast but, I was not impressed with the
interior accommodations. |
Nor was I impressed with the interior of the Presidential plane
either. |
The third building was one floor devoted to WWI and the
other to WWII. |
Extremely well done museum, it would probably take a
week to read all the documents they've collected and display plaques. |
Aunt Marlys, Randy, Sheri, Patricia, Tyler and Haley. |
Same picture as on right: cropped and edited for content. |
Had not realized that my Aunt Marlys was up here house
sitting until Sheri mentioned it. Made the connection and met for a
marvelous family breakfast. She says she is moving up her next year. |
Comforts of home after a hard day out, Payson, Patricia and Haley. |