Our Wedding

Our Wedding
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Our Wedding
Randy & Nancy Wedding
Patricia & Tom Wedding
Kathleen Cory Wedding
Ryan and Rima Wedding
Cindy and Terry wedding
Sheri & Amy Wedding

© Griffin PNP

Our Wedding - December 20, 1997
We decided just to have the wedding/reception at home, which worked out really well. The pastor was from the hospital, and he really liked the way we did it and our vows. Had around 30 guests and good food for all, Charlie (my mother's dog) even got into the cake before we did.

The ceremony went very well, and are living happily ever after....

Well, you know the story?

The Ceremony

Dear friends, we are here assembled in the presence of God to unite Patricia and Randy in marriage. The Bible teaches that marriage is to be a permanent relationship of one man and one woman, freely and totally committed to each other as companions in life. A good marriage has love at its center. With that in mind Patricia and Randy have a few words to share with you and each other.


Patricia recites her poem.


Like a tide you have

flowed into me

you have brought me peace

The peace of still waters

The quiet, of a summer night

I find contentment when I'm with you

My being is now complete

for like a tide you have

flowed into me

You have all my love

Love, Patricia

Randy recites his poem.


Though marriage is a road

we travel together,

Though the paths we follow

may be together,

Our footsteps will not

match completely together.

Remembering that, we will

find happiness together.

Hand in hand, I'll walk through

the years ahead, with you.

As I take your hand, accept mine

in the same spirit.

That when our time in this life

is through, you will find my hand

again in the next one. . .

All my love,



Minister: "Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone you will be loyal to them no matter what the cost. You will always believe in them, always expect the best of them, and always stand your ground in defending them. There are three things that remain - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love, "A good marriage takes a lot of hard work and includes some very special blessings. What are some of these? One is that you have someone beside you in those lonely times when you lose someone you
love. You laugh together at silly jokes that only the two of you understand.

You can walk beside your partner in complete silence and still be in perfect harmony, and you love and are loved so deeply that fear is nowhere to be found in your relationship. An enduring marriage calls for the courage to be first to say I was wrong, forgive me." The sacrifice of giving 90% to the relationship in those times when your partner can only give 10. The commitment to be lifelong partners when, you can't comprehend all that that includes.

And the loyalty that says, "I'm your most faithful supporter. You can always count on me!''

Let us pray. 0 Lord of life and love, bestow your grace upon this marriage, and seal this commitment of your children with your love. As you have brought them together by your divine providence, sanctify them by your Spirit, that they may give themselves fully one to the other and to you. Give them strength and patience to live their lives in a manner that will mutually bless themselves and honor your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Please join your right hands.

Minister to groom: Randall, will you take Patricia to be your wife, will you commit yourself to her happiness and her self-fulfillment as a person, and will you promise to love, honor, trust, and stand by her in sickness and in health, in adversity and prosperity, and to be true and loyal to her.

Groom: I will!

Minister to bride: Patricia, will you take Randall to be your husband, will you commit yourself to his happiness and his self-fulfillment as a person, and will you promise to love, honor, trust, and stand by him in sickness and in health, in adversity and prosperity, and to be true and loyal to him.

Bride: I will!

Minister: May I have the ring, please? The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage in at least two ways: the purity of gold symbolizes the purity of your love for each other, and the unending circle symbolizes the unending vows which you are taking. As a token of your vows, you will give and receive the rings.

Minister to groom: Randy, you will give the ring and repeat after me, "Patricia, with this ring I pledge my life and love to you!

Minister to bride: Patricia, you will give the ring and repeat after me, "Randy, with this ring pledge my
life and love to you!"

Minister: Entreat me not to leave you or to return from following you; for where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.

Minister, to congregation: Since they have made these commitments before God and this assembly, by the authority of god and the laws of this state, I declare that Patricia and Randy are man and wife.

Minister to couple: Patricia and Randy, you are no longer two independent persons but one. "What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." You may kiss the bride.

Minister to congregation: I now present to you, Randall and Patricia as husband and wife.

Wedding Pics
The cake before Charlie got into it. Notice the bows and flowers on the silverware, Sabrina, Patricia's older daughters best friend stood in for her. Staying with us the night before, she was a big help in adding the nice artistic touches to everything, as well as helping us get the house ready.
My son Sean stood in as best man, and Patricia's daughter as maid of honor. We rewrote the vows to our liking, the minister had his say and then we read poems to each other, that we had written to each other earlier in our relationship.
And, of course...... Presenting Mr. & Mrs. Koller/Mosley. Sabrina and husband, Dave The ribbons held each others rings.
Kathleen and her friend Ken.
Ryan, Patricia and Kathleen.     Randy, Patricia and Minister
Minister thanks  
Thanks card

This page last updated: 08/21/17 03:02 PM © Griffin PNP

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